1. Create a folder on your C drive called "Templates".
2. Download a zip archive, which contains a template and all the images needed for this template.
3. Extract the files from the zip archive into the "Templates" folder. All the images used within the template will be collected into the Images folder, which is automatically created during the unzipping process C:\Templates\Images.
4. Open the template (freetempl.htm) in any HTML editor (G-Lock EasyMail, Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia's Dreamweaver).
All the templates contain a pre made message text. This text makes no sense and is useless to your subscribers. Remove this text and insert your own. Don't worry if your message is longer than the default text, the template will resize itself vertically to make room for you message. You can also remove the default images and insert your own pictures. You can insert the images either from the disk, or from the web server.
1. Delete the default image in the template.
2. Put the cursor at the place where your image must be placed.
3. Click "Insert Picture" button in your HTML editor.
4. Browse the folders and select the image location on the disk.
5. Click OK.
1. Create a folder on your web server called "Images".
2. Upload the images from the C:\Templates\Images folder plus any custom images you may want to insert into the email template into the Images folder on your web server. For example, if your domain name is http://www.yourdomain.com, then the images from the template should go under http://www.yourdomain.com/Images/
3. Open the template.
4. Delete the original images and re-insert them. Put the cursor at the place where the image must be, click "Insert Picture" and enter the picture location on your web server http://www.yourdomain.com/Images/image1.gif All the images in the email template must appear as http://www.yourdomain.com/Images/
Read here how to upload iImages to website …
Your email template is ready to use. It is recommended to test your email template by sending it to yourselves to verify that all the images are displaying correctly.
Whether you're in email marketing for a long time, or just doing the first steps with HTML email newsletters, you may want to read these simple tips in order to avoid common errors when creating and sending HTML email message.
Incorrect URL:
<img src="images/image1.gif"
Correct URL:
<img src="http://www.glocksoft.com/images/image1.gif"
1) You will reveal your entire list to other recipients within the list.
2) If someone of your recipients clicks "Reply to All" button by mistake to send the reply to you, his email will be distributed to all of the group.
3) CC doesn't allow sending a personalized email message to each recipient. At least you can insert the greeting like "Dear Customer" but agree that it is not as much friendly as "Dear John".